"The book is the long-awaited sequel to The Golden Loom, Tahanan's critically acclaimed first collection of Palanca prize winners published in 1997. The new anthology celebrates the exciting diversity of writing and illustrative styles that have vitalized the face of Filipino children's literature in the last decade. The genres of fantasy, social realism, and historical fiction illuminate this eclectic mix of tales ranging from a haunted old aparador to a magical chicken to an unusual World War II friendship between a Filipino child and a Japanese soldier. Lauded by children's book critic Carla M. Pacis as a collection that "raises the bar for Philippine children's literature," The Night Monkeys is a book sure to delight boys and girls (ages 8 to 12) as well as parents and teachers."
Word. And who are these "best and brightest talents" mentioned in the press release, you may ask? Ahem ahem! My story "Mico and Friends" is included (illustrated by the insanely talented Marcus Nada), as is Yvette's story "Kulog" (beautifully illustrated by Brian Vallesteros). Then there's Cyan Abad-Jugo's "Behind the Old Aparador" (wonderful art by Lala Gallardo), and Nikki Alfar's "Menggay's Magical Chicken" (art by Conrad Raquel). Artist extraordinaire Joel Chua did the cover image, based on the title story by Bing Sitoy. Other authors are Herb Fondevilla, Raissa Rivera-Falgui, Natasha Vizcarra, Celeste Flores-Coscolluela, and Honoel Ibardolaza. Plz to behold the illustrations here!
Hope y'all can drop by! :)
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