Yay, geek blasphemy! Or blasphemy by geeks, whatever. Anyway, my friend Oli texted me last night to let me know that Revenge of the Sith is "the best Star Wars movie in 23 years. But that's not saying much." Or, as Metacritic put it, "Talk about lowering your expectations. Episode I and Episode II were so -- and let's be honest here -- bad, that Episode III can't help but shine in comparison."
In other geek news, Frasier is the Beast. And V for Vendetta star Natalie Portman looks good even when she's bald, kind of like Patrick Stewart. Though there the comparisons end, I hope.
In other other news, my column is online. Thanks for the link, Kristine! Expect it to be out in the print version every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month.
Awesome column! You wrote about that bookstore encounter before, right? I'm afraid I wouldn't be worth talking to in a bookstore, not that I wouldn't have an armload of books but none of them would be very interseting. I'm currently reading "It Must've Been Something I Ate" by Jeffrey Steingarten. Yeeeup, that's Robyn's bedside reading.
I love reading your stuff! You have a distinct "voice" as my teacher would say. You should release a book of essays. Or cow drawings. Or both.
Thanks, Robyn! Always great to know that you like something I've written. :) Yep, I plundered this very blog for part of my first column -- a practice I may continue, so people who read both this blog and the column may be subject to occasional bouts of ersatz deja vu. I do hope to release a book of essays someday soon, and if I have my way there WILL be cow drawings. Oh yes.
Yvette, Kristine and our friend Margie are all reading/have just read that particular Steingarten. I feel left out now.
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