Monday, July 17, 2006

Yay for Yvette!

Now that the winners of the First Philippine Graphic/Fiction Awards have been announced, I can finally publicly congratulate the wonderful and talented Yvette on being one of the finalists! Though her story, Stella for Star, didn't end up ranked among the top three slots, I liked it the most, and not because I'm just generally crazy about her -- it was both genuinely horrifying and affecting.

I would also like to remind everyone that Yvette's column at has fresh installments every week or so -- my favorites so far have been her pieces on X-Men 3 and the McDo Greenhills breakfast club (especially the breakfast club one), but every installment has proven interesting, well-written and entertaining, even if it weirded me out to read about my brother and sister-in-law's mating rituals. Other topics covered so far include Stephen Chow, time management, and a food trip to Quezon. Go read!


Pauloy said...

Hapi Hapi Birthday Luis!!!

Cynthia said...

Yay to Yvette! and Yay to YOU! Congrats to you both (and happy birthday!)
-Cyn and Arn

marla said...

Marla from ((AMP)) dropping by. :) Hi to Kristine, and thanks for an awesome talk last Saturday!

Luis K. said...

Thanks Pauline! Thanks Cynthia, and Arnold! And CONGRATS to Arnold too! :)