Images from Guardians of the Galaxy #13 (2009). Click to make 'em bigger.
Got a ton of things I'm supposed to be doing right now, but I just had to take a break and rhapsodize about how utterly awesome Guardians of the Galaxy is. You can keep your Secret Invasions and Dark Reigns and whatever the hell it is DC is doing; the current GotG series is consistently more cosmic and entertaining than any Big Event comics out there (and when it does get embroiled in a Big Event, it's worth it).
I owned an issue or two of the old GotG series in the 80s (and I believe there was some sort of horrible 90s incarnation), but this current one is way, way better. First of all, it has Rocket Raccoon in it. Rocket Raccoon. I used to read Hulk comics back in the days of Sal Buscema, and my single favorite issue was the one that introduced Rocket. And it has Star-Lord, and Mantis, and the insect-astic Bug, and giant man-tree Groot, and the most kick-ass incarnation of Drax the Destroyer (i.e., not the stupid one) ever. And an Adam Warlock who isn't annoying. In other words, it's got all of Marvel's most interesting star-spanning characters on one team, and actually tells stories worthy of that lineup.
I first got hooked on the whole Marvel-in-space thing with the Annihilation events, which were much better than I thought they would be. And the funny thing is, I'm not even that inclined towards space adventure stuff to begin with. But I hope this series runs for a long, long time.