Man, I can't believe November's almost over! Been fairly busy on the freelancing front lately. I wrote the cover story for the November issue of the recently-launched
Homestyle magazine. ("Redefining the Filipino home," goes the tagline.) If you're the kind of person who loves poring over magazines like Dwell and Vogue Living, and daydreaming about interiors and unusual designs, you should check it out. Much to my relief, my architect cousin Miguel, who is a partner in an Ortigas-based firm and whose taste I trust, has expressed his approval of Homestyle. (And he's
very picky about his magazines.) Here's an excerpt from the feature:
"Like his home, Mikko Sison seems fairly normal at first. When I meet him, he is wearing a smart pair of glasses, a neat white shirt, pants with a subtle checkered pattern, dark brown suede shoes and an easy smile: the overall impression is that of a friendly, casually stylish intellectual. He’s pleasant and a little upscale, just like the brick-and-concrete façade of the two-story row house he is renting in Ecology Village, Makati City. And just like its inhabitant, the house may look perfectly respectable on the outside, but it harbors strangeness within."
I love architectural magazines as much as the next person, but I think I'm just too lazy to put the effort into making my living space beautiful. I'd probably just pay someone to make it stylishly functional. =)
I just like looking through magazines of that sort and daydreaming. :) I don't believe I've ever applied any design principles I may have picked up.
Someday, though, I'd love to do what my brother did: instead of buying an already-existing house, he acquired a lot, and with his wife, designed a house and had it built. :) No architectural training. Lots of cute little touches: semi-circular bathtub, shelves in unexpected places. Their house ended up being featured in Real Living.
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