Because even heroes can be dicks sometimes.
ROBIN: Who the hell are you anyway, giving out orders like this?
BATMAN: What are you, dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am? I'm the goddamn Batman.
Ladies and gentlemen, an actual excerpt from All-Star Batman and Robin #2, by Frank Miller and Jim Lee, both men who have done much better work elsewhere. This classic exchange of dialogue is old news to comics fans, but I just felt like posting it now. Enjoy!
...that's messed up. I mean. That sounds fake.
It is, sadly, all too true. A comics fan's only consolation is that All-Star Batman & Robin takes place, apparently, 'outside established continuity'. It's not exactly a hoax or imaginary story or an Elseworlds (TM) kind of deal, but neither is it definitely a part of the official Batman mythos. Yay, I'm a total comics geek!
Maybe Frank Miller's head is still in Sin City.
Or maybe years of solitary training in an underground cavern have atrophied Batman's people skills so much that he believes sudden inappropriate assertions of his status might actually be helpful to a recently orphaned kidnapee.
Whatever. Hi Robyn! :)
-- The Goddamn Luis K.
All-Star Superman is doing much better. And Frank Quitely's doing a swell job.
I think Grant Morrison isn't getting all the attention he deserves.
--Gelo S.
Grant Morrison is an effing genius. From Zenith to Doom Patrol to Flex Mentallo to JLA to We3 and everything in between and after. Am I gushing yet?
I've told myself to be strong and wait for the inevitable HC or trade paperback of All-Star Superman. But with all the great reviews I'm not sure if I can.
But The Filth. Good but take it easy on the LSD.
Heh heh. Point taken, Pauline. :) Although I did enjoy The Filth despite not entirely understanding it. Hi, Gelo! Wanted to ask you about something. Will just text you. And hello again Riky, you spambot bastard.
Yeah, I love The Filth. Methinks it's his best work since The Invisibles (or even Animal Man--but maybe that's going way over the top).
Sure, (Sir) Luis. Fire away. :)
You realize, of course, that this is going to make its way into every conversation I'm going to have for the next few weeks. Why? Because I'm the goddamn Batman.
I know I've asked this before but what's with the art? Did Jim Lee get the same disease Frank Miller did, or was Robin kidnapped when he had the mumps? Lots of kids get the mumps...
luis said: "Maybe years of solitary training in an underground cavern have atrophied Batman's people skills so much that he believes sudden inappropriate assertions of his status might actually be helpful to a recently orphaned kidnapee."
Or maybe he just got tired of Robin and decided he deserved a verbal smackdown. I would. I mean, I'm the goddam Batman...dammit!
To be perfectly honest, I think this exchange is just fine. Batman watched his parents get shot in a filthy alley when he was a little boy and spent the next twenty years or so doing NOTHING but becoming the ultimate badass. I believe he's entitled to a degree of arrogance in addition to the lack of a proper upbringing. (Hence, a lack of real social skills.)
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