Is it wrong to like a band on the basis of their song titles alone? I think not. Especially when the tracklist for their latest album reads like this:
1. Without MSG I Am Nothing
2. That Man Will Not Hang
3. She Will Only Bring You Happiness
4. Kkkitchens, What Were You Thinking?
5. Your Children Are Waiting for You to Die
6. Icarus Smicarus
7. Slay!
8. You Should Be Ashamed, Seamus
9. Lucky Jim
10. Forget About Him I'm Mint
11. 1956 and All That
12. Falco vs. The Young Canoeist
13. Support Systems
"An invigorating and glorious mess of undistilled Rock fury." Sounds good. Santa, are you listening? McLusky's The Difference Between Me And You Is That I'm Not On Fire is on my list.
Anyway, Kristine, I never did congratulate you for finally being able to use that statement -- or at least that sentence structure -- in real life, without resorting to using alcohol and a box of matches on a human being. But then again, someone had to set your apartment on fire so you could say it, and that seems a tad excessive to me.
Tonight I will be at the MTV VJ Hunt Kick-off Party, for which I wrote the script. My favorite parts of the script were cut out at last night's meeting, but that's the way it goes. So much for the impromptu kickboxing match between KC Montero and Marc Abaya, not to mention Sarah Meier's breakdancing number.
5 hours ago
Without MSG I Am Nothing. That's golden. ;) But WITH MSG, you're sickly and maybe DEAD. Or better tasting. Hm.
Wow, this marks the THIRD time this week that MSG has come up in otherwise pleasant conversation. I read an article on how MSG was discovered (invented?), and then another article on how it makes lab mice obese. And now this. Hm. I think the Aji-no-moto has bought product placement rights in the imaginary TV show that is my life.
Yay, MSG makes everything better tasting, including death! And speaking of product placement, I think pizza (not even any specific brand, just the universal concept of pizza) owes me a lot of money. Or at least a loyalty discount card.
Strangely enough, however, what I've been craving a lot lately is real fruit juice, which, unfortunately, is hella expensive. Then again, so is cocaine. I've just taken to buying real fruit and sliding it under passing vehicles until it is liquid.
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